Living with depression is difficult. That goes for both the person with the mood disorder, and those around them who are also affected. Last week in “Caregivers Have Needs…
Having depression is hard. Loving and caring for someone with depression is, too. November is National Caregivers Month, and this 24-minute episode explores the need for boundaries, perspective, communication,…
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In Podcast
280 I Wish People Understood How Lonely and Hard It Is
516 Views November 14, 2023 Be first to comment
A podcast listener, who is married to and raising a child with a man with depression and other mental health conditions, reached out to get some information and support…
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As individuals, we may not have much control over world events. But when tragic news fills 24-hour news cycles, we have a responsibility to ourselves to tune in and…
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TW: Imagine one of your darkest nights. You feel worthless, and as though no one cares or would miss you. You go to bed praying that “if it…
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This extended, 30-minute episode dispels two common mental health misconceptions: 1) That there’s really no point in “reaching out” because no on e cares or understands, and 2) That…