(We are taking a 2-week break to produce episodes for our fifth season.) Today’s episode is a re-broadcast of a review of the very first season of the…
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mental illness
In Podcast
The Link Between Childhood Trauma and Depression; One Family’s Story
3.9K Views March 20, 2018 Be first to comment
We think of depression as an illness that commonly “strikes” in teen years. But for many young children, it starts much earlier. Nicholas began having suicidal thoughts at eight.…
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In Blog
Putting it out there for National Mental Health Month 2017
1.9K Views May 2, 2017 Be first to comment
Talking reduces stereotypes and increases understanding. After years of silence, I am jumping in the deep end. You can’t fight stigma from the kiddie pool. Love0 Share Share Share…
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In the final episode in our stigma series, we explore the benefits of reducing the stigma around depression. This is not our dream. It is our mission. Love0 Share…
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In the second of our 3-part series, we hear from people who confirm they feel the need to hide their depression, many waiting dangerously long to get needed help.…
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In the first of a 3-part series, we hear from people with depression who confirm that Stigma is not only a reality, but one of the greatest barriers to…