About every ten episodes, we pause for a quick review. If you’ve missed an episode, you’ll hear a brief summary so you’ll know what it’s about and how to find…
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114- I’m Glad I Survived! (Jeannine-Part 2)
2.1K Views September 24, 2019 Be first to comment
30+ years after a suicide attempt that left her in a coma, Jeannine looks back on that day, and on what she would have missed if she had died…
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In Podcast
112- Chronic Pain, Depression and the Value of Therapy
1.8K Views September 3, 2019 2 Comments
Depression can cause pain, and pain can cause depression.(*) Living with either can be really difficult. Living with both challenges the strongest. Our guest Stacy, has fibromyalgia and active…
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https://soundcloud.com/givingvoicetodepression/act-before-a-crisis-re-broadcaPeople with heart problems do not wait for a heart attack to address them. People with diabetes do not rely solely on an epipen to control their illness. And…
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As parents, we have a responsibility to prepare our children for life. And there’s a strong possibility that future will include mental-health struggles. Speaking openly about mental illness reduces…