Tara, who says she’s never hidden her depression, but has never been able to clearly explain the “otherness” of living with the illness, sits down with Giving Voice to…
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In last week’s episode, “When Art Imitates Depressed Life,” artist Jeff Beier talked about a series of paintings he created to make an invisible illness visible in a graphic…
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When artist Jeff Beier’s paintings changed from flowers, trees and butterflies to powerful visceral displays of depression’s darkness and pain… Jeff Beier made the decision that his…
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A triple-board-certified medical doctor discusses the “catastrophic increase” in depression and other mood disorders, and connects that to leaky gut syndrome. Dr. Zach Bush talks with podcast co-host Bridget…
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Generational Healing: A Father and Son Step Out of the Shadows
3.4K Views March 5, 2019 Be first to comment
A son learns of his father’s depression and suicidal thoughts only after he is hospitalized for them. Since then, the two have realized the dangers of hiding an illness,…
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The world loves guarantees. We want to be assured that if A, then B. It comforts us and soothes our souls to believe in truths we can rely upon.…
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Depression is too dark a path to walk alone. Each week, caring men and women who have been there share their personal stories, coping/management strategies and most importantly, messages…
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As parents, we have a responsibility to prepare our children for life. And there’s a strong possibility that future will include mental-health struggles. Speaking openly about mental illness reduces…
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Messages To My Younger Suicidal Self (Charlotte Underwood)
3.4K Views January 3, 2019 2 Comments
A 23-year-old woman stops during a magical moment to tweet to her 14-year-old suicidal self that the fight IS worth it, that things can and will change, and you…
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Getting Real About The Holidays (Steve Austin)
2.3K Views December 11, 2018 Be first to comment
Being “Merry,” “Happy” or “Joyous” can be a tall order for anyone, regardless of the date on the calendar. If you are depressed, alone, grieving or any number of…