In this deeply-moving episode of Giving Voice to Depression, Chris Coulter shares the heartbreaking story of losing his 14-year-old daughter Maddie to suicide and the profound journey of understanding and healing that followed.
Chris opens up about Maddie’s vibrant, kind spirit, her struggles with depression, and the challenges of recognizing and supporting a loved one in pain.
Chris also reflects on his own battle with depression, which intensified after Maddie’s passing, giving him a painful but invaluable insight into what she might have felt. He candidly shares about the darkest periods of his life, his despairing thoughts, and how he found the strength to carry on for his family.
Through his raw honesty, Chris shines a light on the importance of persistent support, open conversations, and recognizing the signs of depression.
This episode is both heart-wrenching and inspiring, reminding us of the life-saving impact of checking in with those we love—even when it feels like they’re pushing us away.
Tune in to hear Chris’s powerful story and learn practical advice from co-hosts Terry McGuire and Dr. Anita Sanz on how to support someone battling depression.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to better understand mental health and the strength it takes to navigate life’s toughest challenges.
Chris Coulter’s website/resources:
Simon Sinek’s Do You Have 8 Minutes video:
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